Happy Fourth of July!
To me, Independence Day is synonymous with fireworks, family, and lake life. We’ve spent a week with my family “up north” at our lake cabin since I was eight years old (this is a tradition for many Minnesotans – we basically get three months of warm weather, so we have to enjoy it while we can!). In honor of this tradition, I’ve rounded up some photos that evoke the lake life I love, starting with my favorite lake place–the one that I am blessed to be able to enjoy with my family.

Even though this is actually a salt water resort, I had to include this because the tree swing bench is so fantastic! I can just imagine curling up on it with a good book, watching the sun slowly set over the water…

This gorgeous lake home is on the same chain of lakes my family spends summer at… The beach and yard are absolutely incredible. I know my kiddos would spend all day playing in the sand and water.

This lake home has such a charming, cozy feel. And that deck! It’s massive. I’m sure many delicious grilled meals have been consumed out there.

So many of my best lake memories were spent around a firepit similar to this one. Can’t beat roasting hotdogs and marshmallows over a fire, great company, and a gorgeous view of the lake!

A Fourth of July post wouldn’t be complete without a gorgeous cedar shake lake home decked out in an American flag. Doesn’t this house make you feel so patriotic?

The Fourth of July reminds me how thankful I am to have grown up in a free country, in a faith-filled family, with an amazing support system around me.
What are your Fourth of July traditions? I hope they are joy filled and fabulous! Happy Fourth of July!