Monthly Miscellanea III

It’s the end of the month again (where did March go?!), and that means it’s time for my Monthly Miscellanea post series. This series has quickly become one of my favorites to write, because I just get to share with you all of the random things I’m excited about, from family vacations to the launch of the new Target Opalhouse home furnishings line. So let’s dive in.

Family Pictures

As I shared here, we took a wonderful family vacation to Playa del Carmen over our kids’ spring break, and we had the opportunity to have family pictures taken while we were there. I’ll be sharing the photos from our session next week, but I just had to throw this one in here for a bit of a “sneak peek.” The building we are standing in front of is white with teal doors and shutters, and I fell in love with it immediately. It doesn’t hurt that this picture goes perfectly with my decor! I’ve done a terrible job incorporating family photos into our home, so I might need to rework a few things in my bedroom to bring a few of these prints in. Or find a different place to hang it, you know, because even after four and half years in our home, I still have tons of empty wall space. šŸ™

Dream Art Photography Family Photos; Vidanta Mayan Palace Riviera Maya


Kaden turned NINE this month, and like all moms, I am in disbelief at how quickly he’s growing up. My sister sent me a link to an old Facebook folder she posted right after he was born, and even though logically I know how it happened, it’s hard for my heart to figure out how that little peanut turned into my big nine year old!

This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase after clicking on a link, I may receive a commission, but atĀ no additional costĀ to you. See my full disclosureĀ here.

On the Napster Playlist

I recently discovered the artist Fleurie. I’m sure I’m way behind the curve on this one, but I love her sound! She occupies a haunting, yet somehow anthemic music space similar to Florence and the Machine, with a less upbeat, slightly softer sound like Lana del Ray. Favorites on my playlist are from theĀ Love and War album and include “Soldier,” “Breathe,” and “Turns You into Stone.” They all start slow and mellow and build to a powerful end. Definitely worth checking out if you aren’t familiar with her!

Fleurie Love and War

Sofa Situation

Unfortunately, our beloved 100% top grain leather chesterfield sofa has suddenly started peeling. Which leads me to believe that it is notĀ actually 100% top grain leather, as the manufacturer claims. We either need to figure out how to heal it, which probably won’t be cheap and seems like quite the gamble, considering that it basically fell apart over night after only four and half years of use, or we need to find a new sofa. While I really don’t want to spend any money on major furniture pieces right now, I still vote new sofa and see this unfortunate incident as the perfect opportunity to invest in a beautiful blue velvet sofa…Ā Adam, on the other hand, is not too fired up over the idea of velvet, and he keeps referring to it as “felt.” So we’ll most likely just find a way to repair or live with what we have for now…Interior Define Blue Velvet English Roll Arm SofaJust had to share the gorgeous blue velvet English roll arm sofa from Interior Define that I’m currently drooling over.

Target Opalhouse

If you’re like me, and are completely obsessed with Anthropologie Home, but don’t necessarily want to drop the money it takes to get the look, you will be ecstatic about the new Target Opalhouse line that launches next month. This line of home furnishings was developed for the buyer who loves a more eclectic look with vibrant color and bold, globally inspired patterns (me, me, me!).

Read more about the launch here.


Happy Easter! We have big plans to celebrate with our family tomorrow… I love all holidays, but because of my belief system, Christmas and Easter are my favorites. Celebrating Jesus’ birth and even more importantly, his resurrection, reminds me of the greater purpose behind our day to day lives. And frankly, I also love any excuse to slow down and make some memories with our families.

So, on the agenda for tomorrow… First early church service (maybe the second time EVER that we’ve gone to early service, so I’m going to have to get my booty out of bed in the morning!), then brunch at The Hewing with Adam’s family (we are quite the crew… they had to move us into a separate room because there’s too many of us!), then back to my parents’ for our annual Easter egg hunt on their very large lawn. My mom color codes the eggs and my brother-in-law hides them every year, and it will be fun to see how creative he gets to keep Kaden from finding his immediately.

Monthly Miscellanea Happy Easter

Do you have any Easter traditions? What are your plans for tomorrow? I’d love to hear about them in the comments below!

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